Poison Dart Frog

The golden poison dart frog, or poison dart frog for short, can kill up to 10 to 20 adult humans at a single time! The poison dart frog is one of the most toxic animals in the world.

They keep the poison in glands under their skin. You will not die if one bites you, but if you touch it, you are most likely to die, because the poison enters your skin if you touch it. The poison dart frog doesn’t make its own poison, it eats beetles that make toxic poison, and the poison gets into the frog’s body. Poison dart frogs come in many different colors: light green, orange, and yellow. These are warning signs for humans and predators.

brightly colored poison dart frog

Poison dart frogs live in the rainforests of Central and South America Poison dart frogs are small, some of them are only 1.5 cm. Poison dart frogs live four to eight years. Some people even have these animals as pets! But they won’t be poisonous if you don’t feed them the poisonous beetles.

poison dart frog eating

Also there are over 100 species of poison dart frogs. Poison dart frogs do have one predator, the fire bellied snake, which is immune to the poison.

fire bellied snake

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